I am Aman Agarwal, working as a Software Engineer II at Walmart Global Tech. For the last 5 years, my obsession with technology has always been the most fascinating aspect of my life.

In Walmart, I worked with ASDA e-commerce data engineering team under International pillar on Informatica, Looker, Hive, SQL, Spark, and Kafka for DataWarehousing, creating ETL pipelines, and business dashboards.

Later, as a Software Engineer II, I joined Walmart's Mexico Wallet team called Cashi, where I assisted in the development of Campaign Service for managing rewards and wallet promotion. I worked on the Payment Transaction Aggregation Service as part of the team. Also assisted in the conversion of a monolithic architecture to a microservices architecture. Also I worked on designing low-level and high level designs for the microservices.

I've worked as a technical consultant at several startups, advising them on Backend Architecture, Distributed Systems, Blockchain, Scripting, Big Data, and Scalability. I've mentored programmers in these fields and have been invited to speak at webinars and forums.

The skills I learnt propelled me into freelancing, where I interacted with many new ideas. After a few active clients, I formed a team of three developers and began working on larger projects.

At the time, Blockchain piqued my interest, and I began working on an idea to build a decentralized EC2 and S3 framework over a blockchain network, and were runners-up at Hack-In-The-North (IIIT Allahabad), combining my knowledge of Blockchain and Distributed Systems.

I've always had an entrepreneurial itch, so I took an idea about aggregating artists on one platform and providing them with gigs from conception to execution. Led a team of 5 people in developing a prototype and launching it near my campus. We were able to successfully gaze the attraction of major 5 star hotels, including Radisson to perform weekly gigs at their place.

I have always felt like giving back to the community that had taught me so much, so I became a mentor for FullStack Development, Distributed systems and Scalability at Codeasylums (bootcamp).

Worked in cross-functional roles, including marketing, sales, finance, community, operations, and technology, after joining CodeAsylums as an EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence). While mentoring I also started supporting the operations of offline bootcamps.

Lead a team of 7 developers to create an LMS and hackathon platform as it entered the online market using Flask, React, and Python. As the project moved toward the fundraising stage, I worked on creating pitch deck, financial model, and also overlooked Sales and Marketing team to align with our vision.

I worked in establishing community for CodeAsylums across 250+ colleges with 15k+ students. Organised numerous hackathons, meetups for the tech community with an offline presence in several campuses in India, and online hackathons around the globe during my time at CodeAsylums.

You can reach me at hi@amanagr.com or in one of south Bangalore’s outdoor cafes.